About us


South African football thriving within the individual, nationally and globally.








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  • To create extensive & sustainable opportunities for all involved in the football industry.
  • To establish a South African football style and identity within the global footballing world.
  • To connect local players to the international football market as well as the inverse.
  • To develop a winning mentality, discipline, expert skills & knowledge, education and resolute character in the youth of South Africa.

our promise

We promise to care for the human need first through the age old African practice of Ubuntu. 

We promise to use football as a vehicle to achieve this, in order for success in the sport to not be the end goal but, rather, the establishment of the individual in society.

We promise to use all our expertise, experience, knowledge, networks and resources to achieve our vision and mission. At the heart of that is you! 


Emang molefe

football 101 director

2023 By Football 101 Ltd.

202 Gary Avenue, Waterkloof Glen, Pretoria, 0010